Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Shoes

Lately I've been thinking a lot about self-improvement, probably because I've been told that there are certain character traits I should work on. I was told that I should pay more attention to details and think things through more. Since then I've been trying to notice when I make the mistake of making a careless decision or when I'm not being observant enough; I've come to find that it is extremely difficult to make changes to traits that are so deeply engrained in my character and habits. I'm still very much intent upon improving these flaws, but I've been thinking a lot about their origin and how it is that I became so comfortable with making the same kinds of mistakes repeatedly; I think that because my childhood was so restricted and sheltered and decisions were typically made for me throughout most of it, I never fully learned how to make proper decisions--so now I make them hastily. All actions have consequences, however, and so I've recently been learning from the effects of my past slipshod decisions. I'm slowly learning how to think things through. The clumsiness will take a while, but I'm tryin'. 

1 comment:

YASU said...

eh, I don't know if I'd try to change too much thur. Trying to think things out more often leads to thinking too much and indecision. I think a lot of times you end up doing nothing because there are so many what ifs involved in whatever it is you're doing. Consider the path you think is right, weigh the alternatives, and be appropriately decisive... and don't fix your clumsiness too much. While it's probably inconvenient, your extreme clumsiness is part of that speeecial Julia charm :D